Tijdens de lockdown hebben we alle Marmoucha Collective leden een aantal ‘Quarantine Questions’ gevraagd om te zien hoe zij de lockdown zijn doorgekomen. Welke muziek hebben ze geluisterd? Hoe was hun thuiswerk situatie? Waar kijken ze naar uit zodra we allemaal weer mogen? Maandelijks een nieuw interview met een Marmoucha Collective-lid delen. Om te beginnen met de artistiek leider van het collectief: Avishai Darash. Omdat het merendeel van het Marmoucha Collective niet Nederlandstalig is hebben we de interviews in het Engels gehouden:
Meet Avishai Darash. Avishai Darash is an Amsterdam-based pianist and composer whose style is derived from North African traditional music, Western classical music, American jazz and Israeli folk, amongst others.
Marmoucha: Hi Avishai, what are you most excited about when we can all start playing in front of a live audience again?
Avishai: Hi Marmoucha! Well, the fact that we can finally interact with an audience. That we play music and that it fills the space with sound and that sound has a direct effect on the listener. The dialogue between the artists and the audience can be revived and we can experience the fluctuations of the music instantly coming back from the audience and our instruments. As much as it is important to be in solitude for the sake of writing/composing/creating the music, it’s integral for the music to transform in a concert hall and interact with a live audience.
M: What song have you enjoyed playing the most at home during the lockdown?
A: All of the compositions we created and still create with the collective. Classical music – sonata no 8 op 13 from Beethoven (pathetique), my own compositions for my upcoming album (if all goes well – will be recorded in October this year).
M: What song have you been playing on repeat on your radio/speakers/smart phone during the lockdown?
A: Definitely, to an annoying degree – the arrangements of the collective 😂. With so many details, instruments and colours, I’m bound as a composer/arranger to constantly listen to it on repeat. Even while writing this email I’m hearing the strings instruments, wind instruments and rhythm section on repeat, in my head, without a break Hahaha.